Following an early part of his career both living and practicing in the Maldives in two spells between 1984-86 (Ministry of Education Head Architect) and 1990-92 (Tourist Resort House Architect for Jetan Travel Service), Ian has kept in close contact with his fellow Maldivian architects ever since – whether those over in the UK whilst training or when in country. Ian has been registered as a citizen of the country since 1990, following marriage to his Maldivian wife Nahida.
As such, Ian was delighted to be asked in 2020 by the President of the Architects Association Maldives (AAM) to act as a consultant to help the Association further develop their professional accreditation, whilst investigating options for an Architects Act type legislation. It is hoped the outcome of this work will ultimately be proposed to the Maldivian Ministry of National Planning and Infrastructure and the People’s Majlis or parliament for legal incorporation. In addition, new afilliations are also being considered with the Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA).
Above: Various schools and tourist resort projects both built and unbuilt developed in Maldives between 1984 and 1992
Categories: Affiliations, Architecture