Check out the latest impartial guide to building an extension produced by Homebuilding & Renovating magazine. It tells you simply how to navigate your way through plans, costs, trades and more with our helpful beginner’s guide.
Perhaps most importantly it deals out a bit of tough love explaining the reality of what extensions are likely to cost too. This is the reality of doing the job properly and employing professionals to both design, plan and build it: No minimal plans not fit for purpose and drawn-up for a ridiculous low discounts; Misinformation deliberately peddled over what is or not planning-free permitted development; Schemes specified and costed on effectively just planning drawings only, and; Complaints of shoddy cowboy builders with no integrity or liability, but who were knowingly employed on a “cash only” basis to avoid VAT and HMRC. You get what you pay for essentially, and if you take short cuts, then you only have yourself to blame.
As they go on to explain: “if you’re carrying out a fairly standard single storey extension project, managed on your behalf by a builder, you should be looking to allow £1,800-£2,300/m2 for the finished scheme, with a two storey extension costing slightly less (on account of more cheaper space) at around £1,500-£2,000”.
Working With an Architect on Your Home
Check out the advice from the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and download their various free guides, including their information and advocacy on the benefits of Working With an Architect on Your Home .
Ian Banks has been a Chartered RIBA Architect now for over 30 years, and would be delighted to assist you. Call him now on 07717710014 or email him at .
Further information and guides are also accessible off the new Houzz Pro website for Atoll Architecture.
Categories: Architecture