Project: Tree Resort Feasibility
Location: Platt Woods Goostrey, Cheshire
Site Programme: 8 months
Service: RIBA Service Works Stage A-B
Project Status: Design Works Completed 2006 (Unbuilt)
Description: The project brief was to creatively explore the potential land-use development potential and amenity of a wooded site adjacent to a series of re-worked gravel quarries made redundant and since flooded and re-landscaped to form ecological wetlands.
The proposal was to develop a ‘glamping’ type wooded campsite or ‘Tree Resort’ containing clusters of elevated tree-house cabins for holiday hire or time-share all accessed by aerial walkway and kept away from cars. These were to be designed sustainably using ecological good practice. They were to act as wildlife observatories looking out over the adjacent wetlands, and were designed to touch the ground lightly and have low impact visually and ecologically.
Desgins were carried out including a 3D Virtual model of the scheme prepared by 3d Webtech.
The project failed to get initial support in pre application discussions with Cheshire Planning and so work was discontinued by the land owners.
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Categories: Architecture